It Began with a simple vision
After returning home from a lengthy stay in Indonesia, Temple founder and barista Sean Kohmescher opened the first Temple Coffee house in 2005 with a dream of creating a community gathering place much like the temples he visited during his travels. His vision was simple: good vibes, great service, and exceptionally well-prepared coffee.
Over 17 years later, eight coffee houses, and a roastery, it is still this vision that Temple strives to fulfill today.

Our Farm to Cup coffee sourcing model incorporates three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. We maintain strong, trusting relationships with the producers and farms where we source our coffee. We consistently pay well above Fair Trade prices to our suppliers in order to provide financial stability for them and their workers. We also prioritize working with producers who reduce their environmental impact through water conservation, forest preservation, and shade management.
The journey from Farm to Cup involves many complex steps, requiring careful attention throughout the entire process. From harvesting, milling, transportation, packing, exportation, importation, roasting, and brewing we are deliberate and meticulous every step of the way to ensure that every cup of coffee served is of the highest quality.

Our approach to roasting is different for each coffee. When purchasing green coffee from producers at origin, we recognize that each coffee has a unique story. As such, we take the green coffee and compose a custom roast profile that showcases its distinctive qualities and highlights its individual story. Our Director of Coffee and Head Roaster take a tailored approach to roasting, working to achieve a coffee’s full potential through multiple cuppings and careful analysis. We firmly believe that great coffee is not an accident, and we strive to reach the pinnacle of flavor and aroma with each roast every time.

Temple Coffee is distributed nationwide, with brick and mortar coffee houses in the Sacramento, California Valley.