While pursuing a college degree in agriculture, Sergio Romero spent much of his time tending to his father's coffee farm, La Lesquiñada. Located in Corquin along the western side of Honduras (where some of the country’s finest coffees are produced), La Lesquiñada was inherited by Sergio after he finished his education. Together with his brother Walter, Sergio runs the family farm and continues the region’s tradition of producing high-quality coffees. As third generation farmers, the Romero brothers have dedicated their efforts beyond their family business and now focus on improving the region’s coffee producing industry as a whole. Since inheriting the family farm, the Romero brothers have founded Cafico (Cafes Finos Corquin), an organization that partners with producers to advocate for greater socio-economic development, transparency in operations, and sustainable farming practices. Cafico helps producers utilize best farming practices, both environmentally and socially, in order to consistently produce top-quality coffee. As a result, the Romero brothers and Cafico have transformed Corquin into one of the most prolific coffee-producing regions in Honduras. On our recent visit with the Romero brothers they showed the Benefico which has doubled their output and also produces their own organic fertizlier from coffee pulp compost which they give out to the organizations members. They have also contributed funds for the local maternity and emergency clinic, including adding a new wing and redoing the electrical and conditions of the current unit. They have also began rennonvation of over 20% of La Lesquiñada with new coffee trees and managed shade on the farm due to climate change.Temple Coffee has sourced coffee from the Romero brothers since 2018!