For over 20 years, Hacienda Barbara has been growing specialty coffee in the town of Boquete, Panama producing Caturra, Catuai, Pacamara, Typica, Bourbon, Gesha, and other varieties of coffee trees. Originally a conventional coffee farm, they have practiced certified organic farming for over 10 years, and most recently evolved to Regenerative Agricultural practices. Hacienda Barbara Estates also has farms in other regions of Panama including Potrerillos and Renacimiento. These farms have won the Best of Panama Award in the Traditional Washed categories in 2016 and 2019. 50% of the coffee farms contain natural forests so the coffee cherries slowly ripen under the cloud cover of the Bajareque misty clouds. Temple visited the farm in late April during the flowering period, and the whole farm smelled of honeysuckle and jasmine. The estates are expertly run under the agronomist leadership of Hunter Tedman and Linda Michelle Arauz. This lot is a Natural Anaerobic processed coffee of the Pacamara variety, known for its full body and large bean size. This is our first time offering a Pacamara coffee, a cross between Central American varieties of Pacas and Maragogype. Anaerobic processing involves the whole cherries being fermented in sealed containers without oxygen. This process slows down the fermentation drastically and gives control to the producer who must now monitor the tank's temperature, the fruit's pH level, and release any built-up CO2 through a one-way valve. After the fermentation stage, the coffee is naturally processed. Overall, this unique process helps to give the coffee richer fruit-forward, naturally sweet, and complex flavors.