Bella Carmona is a blend of Estate Coffees from Antigua. Originally it was the brand for coffees coming from Finca Carmona and Finca Bella Vista. All the coffee was processed at Bella Vista. Eventually, Bella Vista started growing. Their production increased and so did the amount of cherries bought. Finally, Carmona built their facilities for wet and dry mills and they stopped using Carmona’s coffee in Bella Carmona Brand. However, since the coffee had (and still has) a great, amazing quality, the owners decided to keep on using the Brand. Nowadays, Bella Carmona contains coffees from various Estate farms, from different altitudes, varieties, and soils from the valley. It reflects a very complex and consistent cup, and it represents what the real coffee from the Antigua region tastes like. After reaping the cherries, the coffee is taken to Bella Vista for a wet and dry mill. Coffee is separated by lots (day of picking, variety, altitude). Then it goes through the whole process of depulping, fermentation, washing, and the drying process. The coffee could be sun-dried in patios or greenhouses. The greenhouse allows to dry the coffee in a controlled environment and to dry the coffee gradually which results in a better cup. The airflow permits a more uniform drying process and the coffee beans can easily be hand sorted. After some resting time in our warehouses, the coffee goes through the dry mill process. The parchment from the coffee is removed and then the green beans are separated by size and weight. Finally, the coffee is picked by an electronic classifier machine, which removes all the damaged beans by using a color scale. Through all this process we assure the best quality coffee from the Antigua Region.