1. Place an Aeropress filter into the Aeropress cap and pre-wet the filter.
2. Assemble the Aeropress in an inverted position, with the plunger slightly pressed into the brewing chamber. The Aeropress should sit on the plunger.
3. Heat 255g of purified water to 201°F. (For the Aeropress Go Travel Coffee Maker, use 210g.)
4. Grind 17g of coffee, very coarse (sea salt sized), and pour it into the Aeropress. (For the Aeropress Go Travel Coffee Maker, use 15g.)
5. Start your timer for 3 1/2 minutes.
6. Pour the heated, purified water into the chamber and stir three times.
7. Screw the cap onto the Aeropress chamber with the filter.
8. Once the timer goes off, flip the Aeropress over and place onto your cup.
9. Plunge with firm, steady pressure for 30 seconds and enjoy.