1. Fold a seam-bottom, cone-shaped filter (such as the Bonmac #4) along the perforated edges and place into the Clever Dripper.
2. Pre-wet the filter with hot water and empty the water out.
3. Heat 480g of purified water to 201°F.
4. Grind 30g of coffee, very coarse (sea salt sized), and pour into the filter in an even mound.
5. Start your timer for 3 1/2 minutes.
6. Pour 30-60g of heated, purified water into the center of the coffee bed, wetting all the grounds.
7. Wait 30 seconds for the coffee to bloom.
8. Continue pouring the remaining water and place the lid on top to retain heat.
9. Remove the lid once the timer goes off and stir the slurry three times.
10. Place the Clever Dripper on top of your cup or carafe.
11. Drain the coffee (ideally for around 30 seconds) and enjoy.